Q: I has many separate tables that need to be combined into a single file?

google search “R read many datasets or tables”

Three steps:

  1. Getting a list of files path to read
  2. Write a function to read a file
  3. Then loop it

step01: list all files path

allfiles = list.files(path = here("data"), #Use the ⭐here package to indicate the directory the files are in relative to the root directory
                        pattern = "AB.csv|ab.csv",#tell R which file paths should be listed
                        full.names = TRUE,
                        recursive = TRUE) #indicate whether or not child folders in the parent directory should be searched for files to list or not

step02: write a function to read a single file


#eg_path: data/Block1/Siteone/SIT1_17_12_21_5.2_AB.csv
read_fun = function(path) {
     test = read.csv(path, 
                skip = 6,
                header = FALSE,
                col.names = c("date", "temperature") )
     allnames = str_split( path, pattern = "/", simplify = TRUE)
     test$block = allnames[, ncol(allnames) - 2] 
     test$site = allnames[, ncol(allnames) - 1] #The information on the physical units of the study, “Blocks” and “Sites”
     test$plot = str_extract(allnames[, ncol(allnames)], pattern = "[0-9](?=\\.)")
     test$logloc = toupper( str_sub(allnames[, ncol(allnames)], start = -6, end = -5) )

step03: read all files

If using either of for or lapply, the final concatenation step can be done via rbind in do.call

map_dfr looks like, looping through each element of allfiles to read and modify the datasets with the read_fun function and then stacking everything together into a final combined dataset

( combined_dat = future_map_dfr(allfiles, read_fun, .progress = TRUE) )
##    date temperature  block    site plot logloc
## 1    15           9 Block1 Siteone    5     AB
## 2    16           8 Block1 Siteone    5     AB
## 3    17          15 Block1 Siteone    5     AB
## 4    18           9 Block1 Siteone    5     AB
## 5    19          10 Block1 Siteone    5     AB
## 6     1          12 Block1 Siteone    2     AB
## 7     2          15 Block1 Siteone    2     AB
## 8     3          21 Block1 Siteone    2     AB
## 9     4          20 Block1 Siteone    2     AB
## 10    5          20 Block1 Siteone    2     AB
## 11    6          13 Block1 Siteone    2     AB
## 12    1          10 Block1 Siteone    5     AB
## 13    2          19 Block1 Siteone    5     AB
## 14    3          17 Block1 Siteone    5     AB
## 15    4           6 Block1 Siteone    5     AB
## 16    5           5 Block1 Siteone    5     AB
## 17    6          10 Block1 Siteone    5     AB
## 18    7          15 Block1 Siteone    5     AB
## 19    8          16 Block1 Siteone    5     AB
## 20    9          10 Block1 Siteone    5     AB
## 21    1           9 Block2 Sitenew    3     AB
## 22    2           8 Block2 Sitenew    3     AB
## 23    3          15 Block2 Sitenew    3     AB
## 24    5          10 Block2 Sitenew    3     AB
## 25    6           9 Block2 Sitenew    3     AB
## 26    7          10 Block2 Sitenew    3     AB
## 27    8           8 Block2 Sitenew    3     AB
## 28    1          11 Block2 Sitenew    5     AB
## 29    2          12 Block2 Sitenew    5     AB
## 30    3          13 Block2 Sitenew    5     AB
## 31    4          18 Block2 Sitenew    5     AB
## 32    5          19 Block2 Sitenew    5     AB
## 33    6          18 Block2 Sitenew    5     AB
## 34    8          19 Block2 Sitenew    5     AB
## 35    7          18 Block2 Sitenew    5     AB
## 36    9          19 Block2 Sitenew    5     AB
## 37   10          10 Block2 Sitenew    5     AB
## 2.921 sec elapsed