传统的机器学习工作流程主要集中在模型训练和优化上; 最好的模型通常是通过像精度或者错误这样的性能度量来选择的,而且如果它通过了这些性能标准的某些阈值,我们倾向于假设一个模型是足够好的。在机器学习的许多应用中,用户会使用一个模型来帮助做决定, 例如:一位医生不会对病人进行手术,仅仅因为这个模型说不应该进行手术?


因此,我们希望能够形象的理解它们的工作原理:为什么一个模型将具有特定标签的案例进行准确分类。eg: 为什么一个乳腺肿块样本被归类为“恶性”而不是“良性,仅仅因为它长得丑吗?

Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME) is an attempt to make these complex models at least partly understandable. The method has been published in “Why Should I Trust You?” Explaining the Predictions of Any Classifier. By Marco Tulio Ribeiro, Sameer Singh and Carlos Guestrin from the University of Washington in Seattle

How LIME works

lime is able to explain all models for which we can obtain prediction probabilities (in R, that is every model that works with predict(type = “prob”)). It makes use of the fact that linear models are easy to explain because they are based on linear relationships between features and class labels: The complex model function is approximated by locally fitting linear models to permutations of the original training set.On each permutation, a linear model is being fit and weights are given so that incorrect classification of instances that are more similar to the original data are penalized (positive weights support a decision, negative weights contradict them). This will give an approximation of how much (and in which way) each feature contributed to a decision made by the model

We take the image on the left and divide it into interpretable components

we then generate a data set of perturbed instances by turning some of the interpretable components “off”. For each perturbed instance, we get the probability that a tree frog is in the image according to the model.

We then learn a simple (linear) model on this data set, which is locally weighted—that is, we care more about making mistakes in perturbed instances that are more similar to the original image

the end, we present the superpixels with highest positive weights as an explanation, graying out everything else



Example in R

01.Prepare the breast cancer data

This data of example comes from the book of R in action

loc <- "http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/"
ds  <- "breast-cancer-wisconsin/breast-cancer-wisconsin.data"
url <- paste(loc, ds, sep="")

breast <- read.table(url, sep=",", header=FALSE, na.strings="?")
names(breast) <- c("ID", "clumpThickness", "sizeUniformity",
                   "shapeUniformity", "maginalAdhesion", 
                   "singleEpithelialCellSize", "bareNuclei", 
                   "blandChromatin", "normalNucleoli", "mitosis", "class")

df <- breast[-1]
df$class <- factor(df$class, levels=c(2,4), 
                   labels=c("benign", "malignant"))

train <- sample(nrow(df), 0.7*nrow(df))
df.train <- df[train,]
df.validate <- df[-train,]
##    benign malignant 
##       329       160
##    benign malignant 
##       129        81

02 Create decision tree model

dtree <- rpart(class ~ ., data=df.train, method="class",      
##         CP nsplit rel error  xerror       xstd
## 1 0.800000      0   1.00000 1.00000 0.06484605
## 2 0.046875      1   0.20000 0.30625 0.04150018
## 3 0.012500      3   0.10625 0.20625 0.03467089
## 4 0.010000      4   0.09375 0.18125 0.03264401

dtree.pruned <- prune(dtree, cp=.0125)

03 predict

dtree.pred <- predict(dtree.pruned, df.validate, type="class")
(dtree.perf <- table(df.validate$class, dtree.pred, 
                    dnn=c("Actual", "Predicted")))
##            Predicted
## Actual      benign malignant
##   benign       122         7
##   malignant      2        79

04 plot decision tree

prp(dtree.pruned, type = 2, extra = 104,  
    fallen.leaves = TRUE, main="Decision Tree")

dtree.pruned %>% as.party() %>% plot()

LIME: why should I trust you 🤖?

explainer <- lime(df.train, model = dtree.pruned)

# Explain new observation
model_type.rpart <- function(x, ...) 'classification'#defined model_type method
test.data <- 
  df.validate %>% 
  dplyr::select(-class) %>% 
explanation <- lime::explain(test.data, explainer, n_labels = 1, n_features = 2)

# The output is provided in a consistent tabular format and includes the
# output from the model.
##       model_type case     label label_prob  model_r2 model_intercept
## 1 classification    3    benign  0.9933993 0.1809444      0.05042991
## 2 classification    3    benign  0.9933993 0.1809444      0.05042991
## 3 classification    4 malignant  0.9507042 0.1918642      0.54743276
## 4 classification    4 malignant  0.9507042 0.1918642      0.54743276
## 5 classification    5    benign  0.9933993 0.1924691      0.05378321
## 6 classification    5    benign  0.9933993 0.1924691      0.05378321
##   model_prediction                  feature feature_value feature_weight
## 1        0.4637659           blandChromatin             3   -0.001977357
## 2        0.4637659           sizeUniformity             1    0.415313316
## 3        0.9524157 singleEpithelialCellSize             3    0.002885248
## 4        0.9524157           sizeUniformity             8    0.402097681
## 5        0.4712710          maginalAdhesion             3   -0.004533032
## 6        0.4712710           sizeUniformity             1    0.422020822
##                        feature_desc                      data
## 1           2 < blandChromatin <= 3 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1
## 2               sizeUniformity <= 4 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1
## 3 2 < singleEpithelialCellSize <= 4 6, 8, 8, 1, 3, 4, 3, 7, 1
## 4                4 < sizeUniformity 6, 8, 8, 1, 3, 4, 3, 7, 1
## 5              maginalAdhesion <= 3 4, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1
## 6               sizeUniformity <= 4 4, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1
##               prediction
## 1 0.99339934, 0.00660066
## 2 0.99339934, 0.00660066
## 3 0.04929577, 0.95070423
## 4 0.04929577, 0.95070423
## 5 0.99339934, 0.00660066
## 6 0.99339934, 0.00660066
# And can be visualised directly